2023 Calendar

With 2023, the Local IDEAG programming is finally back in full operation and we have plenty of dates throughout Italy already defined, some that will be confirmed during the year and others that may be added as we go along!

1/2 April 2023
18° Italian National Meeting of Game Authors – IDEAG PARMA

  • 25 April – IDEAG ENNA – SICILIA*
  • 29/30 April – IDEAG ROMA*
  • 2 June – IDEAG BOLOGNA*
  • 10/11 June – IDEAG BRESCIA
  • 17/18 June – IDEAG PISA
  • 24/25 June – IDEAG COSTA EST (RAVENNA)
  • 1/2 June – IDEAG TORINO*
  • 29/30 June – IDEAG MANTOVA
  • 12 August – IDEAG AOSTA
  • 2/3 September – IDEAG NORDEST (UDINE)
  • 9/10 September – IDEAG MILANO
  • 23/24 September – IDEAG PIACENZA
  • 23/24 September – IDEAG FANO E GRADARA – NEW DATE!!!
  • 21 October – IDEAG ALESSANDRIA
  • 25/26 November – IDEAG VERONA

* event yet to be confirmed

Registration for Local events typically opens 4 weeks before the event itself. We will give more information about the National event by mid-February!