The event agenda

Friday 31th March

From the afternoon – ‘Waiting for IDEAG’: open rooms for everyone to playtest.

Saturday 1st April

9 a.m. – Opening of the Reception Desk

1 p.m. – Buffet lunch (for already booked participants)

2 p.m. – “Publishers don’t (usually) eat you. A guide to a healthy relationship between author and publisher” with Flaminia Brasini, Carlo E. Lanzavecchia and Carlo A. Rossi. Moderator: Daniele Molinari. *

3 p.m. -‘Writing … a game. The narrative experience between board games and role-playing games” with Helios Pu, Matteo Casali and Mauro Longo. Moderator: Luca Raina. *

8 pm – Dinner (for already booked participants)

10 p.m. – IDEAG OFF: free tables for playtest (for registered game designer)

Sunday 2nd April

9 a.m. – Opening of the Reception Desk and playtest rooms

10 a.m. – “Stuff for Lawyers. Guida agli aspetti tecnici e alle clausole dei contratti di edizioni’ with Fabio Lopiano, Simone Luciani and Giacomo Sottocasa. Moderator: Andrea Mezzotero. *

11 a.m. –”Nobody excluded. Accessibility and inclusiveness in board game design” , with Luca Errani and Andrea Tinterri. Moderator: Alessandro Rizzi *

1 p.m. – Buffet lunch (for already booked participants)

7 p.m. – Halls closing

* The formative meetings will be held in Italian. Ask the secretariat for an English interpreter till 10a.m of the day.